Europäisches Parlament soll Mord an Rafik Tagi aufklären

Salman Rushdie, Richard Dawkins, Maryam Namazie, Taslima Nasrin und Mina Ahadi fordern das Europaparlament dazu auf, eine Delegation nach Aserbaidschan zu schicken, um über den Mord an Rafik Tagi aufzuklären.

Mina Ahadi hat am Dienstag den 6. Dezember 2011 das Europäische Parlament besucht und einen gemeinsamen Brief von Salman Rushdie, Richard Dawkins, Taslima Nasrin, Maryam Namazie u. a. an Jerzi Buzek, den Präsidenten des Europaparlaments, überreicht.

Mina Ahadi hat auch Marton Kovacs, den parlamentarischen Mitarbeiter von
Alexander Alvaro (FDP) besucht und über Rafik Tagi sowie Houtan Kian, den Rechtsanwalt von Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani gesprochen.

Der gemeinsame Brief von mehreren Persönlichkeiten lautet:

Rafiq Tagi, the prominent writer and critic of Islamism, Islam, the Islamic regime of Iran and the Azerbaijani government received multiple stab wounds on his way home on 19 November. He seemed to be recuperating, even doing an interview where he said the attack may have been organised by the regime in Iran. However, he took a turn for the worse and died. Some are concerned that security at the hospital was lax and that he could have been poisoned.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has denied any role in his murder even though in 2006 Ayatollah Lankarani issued a death fatwa against him. Ayatollah Lankarani’s son (whose father has since died) saluted Tagi’s murder; the Islamic regime of Iran’s paper gleefully wrote ‘Azerbaijan’s Salman Rushdie is dead.’

We, the undersigned writers and campaigners, call on the EU to condemn the killing and send a mission to investigate Rafiq Taqi’s death. The truth surrounding his murder must come to light.

Mina Ahadi
Nick Cohen
Richard Dawkins
Maryam Namazie
Salman Rushdie
Taslima Nasrin
Joan Smith