The Pale Blue Dot - A Tribute to Carl Sagan


Despite the fact that Carl Sagan's voice wasn't used for this particular visual interpretation of his classic poem, his signature remains all over it. Many other versions of "Pale Blue Dot" featured Sagan's voice, and I wanted my own production to retain the spirit of the piece while branching in a unique direction.

As I rejected religion for the first time in my late 30s, I only recently discovered the power and poetry of Carl Sagan's work, and as I was no longer bound by the constraints of religious thinking, I couldn't help but experience a feeling of profound gratitude that, even after his death, he could help me feel awe and wonder at the universe.

Mine is just one of many visual translations of his poem. But with it, I hope that others will experience this amazing look at the cosmos and be reminded how precious and fragile life is. - Seth