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15. 03.

The Moral Arc - Wie Wissenschaft die Welt moralischer macht

Vortrag von Michael Shermer in Köln

Michael Shermer ist amerikanischer Wissenschafts-Journalist und Gründer der weltweiten Skeptiker-Bewegung. In seinem neuen Buch “The Moral Arc” beschreibt er eindrücklich und kenntnisreich, wie rationales Denken und Wissenschaft die Welt zu einem besseren, gerechteren Ort gemacht haben. Vortrag und Diskussion finden in Englisch statt, werden aber (in einem durch eine Glaswand getrennten Nebenraum) auch auf Deutsch übersetzt.

We are living in the most moral period of our species’ history. Ever since the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment thinkers consciously applied the methods of science to solve social and moral problems. The experimental methods and analytical reasoning of science created the modern world of liberal democracies, civil rights and civil liberties, equal justice under the law, open political and economic borders, free minds and free markets, and prosperity. More people in more places have greater rights, freedoms, liberties, literacy, education, and prosperity—the likes of which no human society in history has ever enjoyed. In this provocative and compelling talk—that includes brief histories of freedom rights, women’s rights, gay rights, and animal rights, along with considerations of the nature of evil and moral regress—Shermer explains how abstract reasoning, rationality, empiricism, skepticism—scientific ways of thinking—have profoundly changed the way we perceive morality and, indeed, move us ever closer to a more just world.

Dr. Michael Shermer is the Publisher of Skeptic magazine, a monthly columnist for Scientific American, a regular contributor to Time.com, and a Presidential Fellow at Chapman University. The Moral Arc is the latest of his 12 books.