Er hat ihnen bis zuletzt nichts geschenkt

Der hpd dokumentiert einige Botschaften zu Hitchens Gedenken.

Salman Rushdie, Autor und Religionskritiker: Goodbye, my beloved friend. A great voice falls silent. A great heart stops.

Richard Dawkins, Biologe, Autor und Religionskritiker: Christopher Hitchens, finest orator of our time, fellow horseman, valiant fighter against all tyrants including God.

Florian Freistetter, Astronom und Blogger: Er war ein sehr faszinierender Autor und Redner.

Hemant Metha, Buchautor und Blogger: He’s a man who will still influence people for years to come, giving them the arguments and confidence they need to finally leave their faith.

Stephen Fry, Schriftsteller, Drehbuchautor, Schauspieler, Regisseur und Fernsehmoderator: Goodbye, Christopher Hitchens. You were envied, feared, adored, reviled and loved. Never ignored. Never bested. A great and marvellous man.

PZ Myers, Biologe und Blogger: We are a diminished people for the loss. There can be and should be no consolation, no soft words that encourage an illusion of heavenly rescue, no balm of lies.

Taslima Nasrin, Autorin, Bürgerrechtlerin und Islamkritikerin: Farewell Christopher, the comrade. Farewell Hitchens,the horseman. Farewell, friend!

Michael Shermer, Skeptiker und Wissenschaftsjournalist: Christopher Hitchens died. We shall miss you, your voice, your pen, & most of all your mind Christopher. The world is better because of you

Andrew Copson, Direktor der British Humanist Association: The life and contribution of Christopher Hitchens will be celebrated not only by humanists but all those who prize freedom: freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of belief were all things valued and defended by him. Hitch was fearless in his challenges to authority, orthodoxy and conformity and his death brings the loss of a great cheerleader for liberal as well as secular causes.

Greg Epstein, Leiter der Humanist Chaplaincy an der Harvard University: We'll miss you, Christopher Hitchens. Thanks for your books, your articles, and your tireless Atheist/Humanist activism. God may not be great, but Christopher Hitchens certainly was.

Paul Sims, Redakteur beim britischen Magazin New Humanist: Christopher Hitchens has died, and we've lost one of the most elegant and powerful voices for reason, and a great friend of New Humanist. He once, very kindly, said of us that we were "part of the arsenal with which we must launch a – long overdue – defence of the Enlightenment", and his rousing spirit has inspired much of what we have done over the last few years.

Roy Speckhardt, Geschäftsführer der American Humanist Association: Humanity has lost a powerful stalwart for atheism (...) Hitchens’ mastery of a logical argument along with his confident demeanor gave many the courage to come out of the atheist closet.

Penn Jillette, Autor, Comedian und Skeptiker: Christopher Hitchens, my friend, my hero, my inspiration. He will live on, honestly, through his work, our memories, and our love. Bye.

National Secular Society: We're deeply saddened by the death of our Honorary Associate Christopher Hitchens. Farewell.

Tony Blair, britischer Politiker und Katholik: Christopher Hitchens was fearless in the pursuit of truth and any cause in which he believed.

Lance Armstrong, Profi-Radrennfahrer: Chris Hitchens has passed. His courage & candor about cancer was incredible.

Denis MacShane, britischer Politiker: He swam against every tide.

Nick Clegg, britischer Politiker und stellvertretender Premierminister: He will be massively missed by everyone who values strong opinions and great writing.